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Teamviewer free

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📌Note: If you are using the standard QuickSupport module (which can be downloaded from our website here) the QuickSupport module will only generate a standard TeamViewer ID and password. If the star is grey: The QuickSupport module has been closed/expired and no connection is possibleConnection via a Session Code can be initiated in two ways:Double-click on the support request in the Computers & Contacts listor Click the Connect button in the Service Queue inside the Management Console. Session Code - sXX - XXX - XXXA Session Code is generated if you are using a customized QuickSupport (created from your Management Console)Instead of a TeamViewer ID, the module will create a code (sXX - XXX - XXX).A support request is also generated and appears as a green star in multiple locations:in your Computers & Contacts list (in the group you linked the QuickSupport with when creating the customized QuickSupport) in the Service Queue of the Management ConsoleIf the star is green: The QuickSupport module is running and ready to connect

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You can also save these ID's in the contacts list of your TeamViewer account like you would save phone numbers in the contacts list of a mobile phone. The TeamViewer ID can be seen on the Remote Control tab of the full version of TeamViewer: You dial the TeamViewer ID, then use the password to authenticate the connection.

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This ID is designed not to change and should remain constant even if the software is uninstalled and reinstalled.💡Hint: Think of this ID as a phone number for your device. To identify and connect with different devices, TeamViewer uses a TeamViewer ID, session code, or Meeting ID.  TeamViewer IDA TeamViewer ID is a unique 9- or 10-digit numeric ID assigned to each device when TeamViewer is installed. TeamViewer allows you to assist customers remotely, work with colleagues from a distance, stay connected with your own devices, or assist friends and family members. GeneralThis article applies to all TeamViewer users.TeamViewer is an all-in-one solution for remote support, remote access, and online meetings.

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